Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: July 1, 2024 - Last updated: July 1, 2024


Author: Ane Matres García

Title: La reescritura feminista de la violación de Lucrecia

Subtitle: La subversión de Shakespeare por Angélica Liddell

Translation: The Feminist Rewriting of the Rape of Lucrece: Angélica Liddell’s Subversion of Shakespeare

Journal: Impossibilia: Revista Internacional de Estudios Literarios

Volume: 27


Year: 2024 (Received: December 14, 2023, Accepted: March 30, 2024)

Pages: 102-113

eISSN: 2174-2464 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Ancient History: Roman History; Modern History: 16th Century, 21st Century | European History: English History, Spanish History | Cases: Mythological Victims / Lucretria; Types: Rape; Representations: Literary Texts / Angélica Liddell, William Shakespeare


Link: Universidad de Granada (Free Access)


Author: ORCID

Abstract: »The rape of Lucrece has been rewritten in numerous works of art. One of them is Angélica Liddell’s version, which uses Shakespeare’s version as a hypotext. Therefore, the objective of this article is to elucidate the changes made by Liddell resorting to comparative literature, myth criticism and feminist criticism. This procedure has revealed that, by subverting the constituent parts of the myth, the stylistic resources and the motifs, Liddell rejects the premodern conception of rape in favour of a modern one that enables agency to raped females. Moreover, she criticises the models of virtue that entrap women in oppressive structures.« (Source: Impossibilia)

  Resumen (p. 102)
  Abstract (p. 102)
  Introducción (p. 102)
  Marco teórico (p. 103)
  Análisis de La violación de Lucrecia de Shakespeare (p. 104)
  Análisis de You Are My Destiny (lo stupro di Lucrezia) de Angélica Liddell (p. 107)
  Análisis de tópicos y de temas de las dos obras (p. 110)
  Conclusiones (p. 111)
  Referencias bibliográfcas (p. 112)

Wikipedia: Ancient history: Ancient Rome | History of Europe: History of England, History of Spain | Literature: English literature / William Shakespeare | Literature: Fiction about rape / The Rape of Lucrece | Literature: Spanish literature / Angélica Liddell | Myth: Roman mythology / Lucretia | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape